Jharkhand Bed Admission 2025: The Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB) Recently released an official notification regarding the B.Ed/ M.Ed/ B.P.Ed/ M.P.Ed Combined Entrance Competitive Examination 2025-27. Applications are invited from all eligible & interested candidates for this Admission. Jharkhand bed entrance exam 2025 All details including eligibility criteria, Application Fee, age limit, etc are below provided.
Exam Name | B.Ed/ M.Ed/ B.P.Ed/ M.P.Ed Entrance Competitive Examination 2025 |
Organization | Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB) |
Qualification | Graduation Pass Appearing |
Application Process | Online |
Apply Start Date | 15 February 2025 |
Apply Last Date | 15 March 2025 |
Examination Date | 20 April 2025 |
Exam Mode | OMR Based |
Important Updates
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- पाठ्यक्रम की अवधि – 2 वर्ष
- आरक्षण आरक्षित सीटों के नामांकन/अनुशंसा में झारखण्ड सरकार का अद्यतन आरक्षण नीति प्रभावी होगा।
- झारखण्ड राज्य स्थित विश्वविद्यालय से उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों हेतु कुल सीटों का 85% आरक्षित होगी शेष 15% सीटें खुली रहेगी।
- अधिक जानकारी के लिए Official Notification देखें।
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the B.Ed / M.Ed/ B.P.Ed/ M.P.Ed Combined Entrance Competitive Examination in 2025, candidates must have either:-
- Candidates must have a minimum of 50% (45% in case of SC/ST/OBC/PWD) marks in their Bachelor’s Degree.
- उम्मीदवारों को न्यूनतम 50% (आरक्षित श्रेणी के मामले में 45%) अंकों के साथ स्नातक की डिग्री में उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए।
- Candidates must have a minimum of 50% (45% in case of SC/ST/OBC) marks in their Master’s Degree in Science, Social Science, Humanities, or Commerce.
- उम्मीदवारों को न्यूनतम 50% (आरक्षित श्रेणी के मामले में 45%) अंकों के साथ मास्टर डिग्री में विज्ञान, सामाजिक विज्ञान, मानविकी या वाणिज्य में उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए।
- Candidates must have passed a Bachelor of Engineering or Technology degree with Science and Mathematics subjects with 55% (50% in case of reserved category) marks.
- उम्मीदवारों को विज्ञान और गणित विषयों के साथ 55% (आरक्षित श्रेणी के मामले में 50%) अंकों से बैचलर ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग या टेक्नोलॉजी की डिग्री में उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए।
- Candidates with any other equivalent qualifications are also eligible.
- किसी अन्य समकक्ष योग्यता वाले उम्मीदवार भी पात्र हैं।
- The Candidate will have to choose only one subject (within a subject category) which she/ he must have studied in the qualifying degree, i.e., Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree for at least 200 marks and out of which obtained at least 50% in that subject. The subject will henceforth be referred to as the teaching subject in the B.Ed / M.Ed/ B.P.Ed/ M.P.Ed course.
- उम्मीदवार को केवल एक विषय (एक विषय श्रेणी के भीतर) का चयन करना होगा, जिसे उसने qualifying degree में अध्ययन किया होगा, यानी कम से कम 200 अंकों के लिए स्नातक डिग्री या मास्टर डिग्री और जिसमें से उस विषय में कम से कम 50 अंक प्राप्त किए हों। इस विषय को अब से बी.एड. / एम.एड. / बी.पी.एड. / एम.पी.एड. में शिक्षण विषय के रूप में संदर्भित किया जाएगा।
- There is no restriction in the passing year to apply for B.Ed. course.
- झारखण्ड बी.एड.पाठ्यक्रम में आवेदन करने के लिए उत्तीर्ण वर्ष में कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं है।
- Candidates who are appearing in Graduation Examination (Sem-VI) in the year 2025 can also apply in Jharkhand B.Ed Entrance Exam-2025.
- उम्मीदवार जो वर्ष 2025 में स्नातक परीक्षा (Sem-VI) में सम्मिलित हो रहे हो, वे भी झारखण्ड बी०एड० प्रवेश परीक्षा-2025 में आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
Application Fee
Category | Fee |
General | ₹ 1000 |
Bc-I / Bc-II (Candidates Of Jharkhand State Only) | ₹ 750 |
Sc / St Category And Female Candidates Of Jharkhand State Only | ₹ 500 |
- All Candidates Including Female Belonging To Other States Shall Be Treated As General Candidates Only And Have To Pay Registration Fees Accordingly.
- Fees Payment Shall Be Made Thru Payment Gateway By Online Mode Only During Online Registration Using Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking Along with Bank Charges. No Other Mode Of Payment Is Acceptable.
- Fees Once Paid are non-refundable.
Important Document
Jharkhand B.Ed Admission 2025 के लिए Important documents निम्नलिखित है :-
Matriculation Certificate |
Graduation Certificate |
Aadhar Card |
Caste Certificate |
Residence Certificate |
Photo & Signature |
Thumb Impression |
Mobile Number & Email ID |
Important Dates For Bed Admission
Starting Date of Online Registration | 15 February 2025 |
Closing Date of Online Registration | 15 March 2025 |
Admit Card | 4 days before the exam |
Exam Date | 20 April 2025 |
Useful Important Link
![]() |
Download |
Online Apply | Coming Soon |
Login | Coming Soon |
Forgot Password | Coming Soon |
Eligibility Criteria | Download |
How to Apply | Download |
Syllabus | Download |
Admit Card | Download |
Official Website | JCECEB |
Syllabus And Scheme Of Exam
- (A) Entrance Test Shall Be Held In Offline / OMR Based Test Mode Only.
- (B) The Entrance Test Shall Be Of Mcq Type For a Total of 100 Marks.
- (C) 1 Mark Awarded For Each Correct Answer And 0.25 Negative Marks For Every Wrong Answer Deducted.
- (D) Syllabus And Scheme Of Examination:-
(i) Language Proficiency shall have 30 questions (15 questions for Hindi & 15 Questions for English) indicating specific areas like comprehension, rearranging sentences, selecting suitable words for the blanks, finding errors in parts of the sentences, finding out equivalent meaning to the given phrases, finding out suitable words for the incomplete sentences, sequencing, grammar which includes synonyms, idioms, prepositions tenses, articles.
(ii) Teaching Aptitude (40 questions) will cover specific areas like attitude towards education, children, and the teaching profession; interest in teaching; leadership qualities & group management; emotional & social adjustment; intrapersonal & interpersonal skills; and general awareness of contemporary issues about school education.
(iii) Reasoning ability (30 questions) indicating specific areas like verbal reasoning, missing numbers, number series, letter series, theme finding, jumbling, analogy, the odd one out, arranging the statements in a sequential form, statement, and conclusion, syllogism, logical problems, establishing relationships and numerical ability
❓ How to Apply Jharkhand Bed Entrance Exam
- The candidate will have to fill in the requisite information Online including the Candidate’s Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Category, whether Person with Disability, Educational Qualification, E-mail Id, Mobile Number, Communication Address, Declaration, etc. On submission of Details, the Candidate will be prompted to check the filled details and fill/make corrections if any, to SUBMIT his/her final data.
- Photographs, Signatures, and LTi are to be uploaded. The image file of the photograph and signature should be in. JPG or. JPEG format. There will be separate options for uploading the same. Click on the respective link “Upload Photograph /LTI/ Signature”.
- Recent Stamp size color photograph, preferably with white background, must be used. The size of the file for the photograph should be between 20kb- 50kb. The photo must not be older than 6 months.
- Candidates are also required to upload other documents as applicable such as category certificates, qualification certificates, EWS/PH certificates, etc as single pdf files. The size of the document shall not exceed 500 KB
- For the Signature, the candidate has to sign on white paper with a Blue/Black Ink pen. If the candidate’s signature does not match the scanned signature on the Admit Card/ Attendance Sheet, the candidature of the candidate will be disqualified. The size of the file should be between 10kb-20kb.
- The online Application Form will not be valid unless the candidate uploads his/her photograph and specified Signature and makes the requisite fee payment.
- After uploading, Candidates are required to preview the uploaded images. Here the candidate is advised to see that, his/her uploaded photograph is clearly visible/ identifiable in the appropriate row and the specimen signature is also visible in appropriate space. If for any reason uploaded images are not up to the mark then the candidate can upload these images again by following the same procedure. In no case, these spaces should be swapped. If the candidate is satisfied with the uploaded images, he/she may proceed further.
- Submission of Application: The candidate may review all the filled information before clicking on the declaration.If a candidate finds that all the filled information is correct then he/she can select ‘declaration’ and click on final SUBMIT button given on page, otherwise EDIT the information filled by him/her.
- After the Submission Of the Application, An Application/ Registration Number Will Be Generated By The System And The Application Number Along With The Password Shall Be Sent To The Applicant. an Email And Sms Will Be Sent To Regd Mobile Number Mentioned In The Application. Applicant Has To Retain This Number And Password For Future Reference. more Than One Application In Same Mobile No/ E-mail Id Is Not Acceptable.
- Application Fee: A link will be provided on the website for payment which would take the candidate to payment gateway link after making the PROVISIONAL Registration. The candidate would then follow the instruction as given on link to complete the payment. The candidate can make payment through Internet banking/ Debit Card (Visa or Master) / Credit Card (Visa or Master). After making the payment , the candidates should take the print of that payment slip or save for further reference having his details .
- Bank charges/payment gateway charges will be borne by the Applicant. In case the candidate deposits the fee in a wrong account, Board will not be responsible. Application Fee deposited after closing date will not be valid.
- Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstance. Candidates are, therefore, requested to verify their eligibility before applying and payment of Application Fee.
- Candidate Should Note That In Case Status Of Payment Shown By The Bank Is “Pending”, “Failure”, “Rejected” Or Of Any Other Technical Issue, Then It Is The Responsibility Of The Candidate To Ensure That Payment Made To The Board Is Successful Within Due Date. In Case Transaction Is Reversed By Bank To Candidate Or Cancelled And Payment Is Not Received By Board Within Due Date, The Candidature Shall Be Summarily Rejected.
- Candidate Should Also Note That In Case The Payment Details Filled Up By Candidates In Online System Are Not Matching With The Transaction Details Provided By The Bank Then His / Her Candidature Shall Be Summarily Cancelled.
- Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders, Demand Drafts etc. will not be accepted towards application fee.
- The Applicant Has To Furnish A Declaration To The Effect That The Inputs Furnished By Him/her Are True, Complete And Correct To The Best Of His / Her Knowledge And They Will Be Supported By The Original Documents / Testimonials As And When Required/demanded. If Any False/incorrect Information Found / Detected At Any Stage, His/her Candidature Will Be Summarily Rejected / Terminated. Therefore It Is Mandatory For The Applicant To Tick The Check Box About This Declaration At The End Of The Application Form, Before Saving And Uploading The Application
Bed College in Jharkhand
College Name |
District |
Govt/PVT |
Govt. Teachers Training College | Ranchi | GOVT |
Govt. Teachers Training College | Hazaribagh, | GOVT |
Bethesda Women Teachers Training (B.Ed.) College | Ranchi | PVT |
Loyola College of Education | East Singhbum | PVT |
Ursuline Womens’ Teacher Training College | Lohardaga | PVT |
St. Xavier’s College, | Ranchi | PVT |
Dev Sangha Institute of Professional Studies and Educational Research |
Deoghar | PVT |
Al-Iqra Teachers Training College, | Dhanbad | PVT |
Radha Govind Teachers Training College, Behind Ramgarh College |
Hazaribagh, | PVT |
Jamshedpur Women’s College | Purbi Singhbhum | Constituent College of Ranchi University |
Jamshedpur Cooperative College | Jamshedpur, | Constituent College of Ranchi University |
Chatra College, | Chatra | Constituent College of Vinoba Bhave University |
G. D. Bagaria Teacher’s Training College | Giridih | PVT |
Tetri Chandravansi College of Education, | Garhwa | PVT |
Santosh College of Teacher’s Training Education, | Ranchi | PVT |
Swami Ram Krishan Paramhansh Teacher Training College |
Bokaro | PVT |
R.T.C. B.Ed. College | Ranchi | PVT |
Tathagat Teachers Training College | Dhanbad | PVT |
Tathagat Teachers Training College, | Dhanbad, | PVT |
Gautam Buddha Teacher’s Training College | Hazaribag | PVT |
Al-Habeeb Teachers Training College | Bokaro | PVT |
Sahadev Chandravansi B.Ed. College | Palamu | PVT |
Grizzly College of Education | Koderma | PVT |
Grizzly College of Education | Koderma | PVT |
Rajeev Gandhi Memorial Teacher’s Training College | Dhanbad | PVT |
Rama Krishna Vivekananda College of Education | Giridih | PVT |
S.B.M. Teachers Training College, | Hazaribagh | PVT |
Formerly S.B.M. Teacher’s Training College | Hazaribagh | PVT |
Indra Singh B.Ed. Teacher’s Training College | Garhwa | PVT |
Shine-Abdur Razzaque Ansari Institute of Health Education and Research Centre |
Ranchi | PVT |
Subash Teacher’s Training College | Giridih | PVT |
Jasidih B.Ed. College | Deogarh | PVT |
Deo College of Education | Hazaribagh | PVT |
Shahid Sheikh Bhikari College of Education | Ranchi | PVT |
Netaji Subhas Institute of Education | Purbi Singhbhum | PVT |
Samarpan Deep B.Ed. College | Ranchi | PVT |
Bharathi College of Education | Ranchi | PVT |
J.D. National B.Ed. College | Ranchi | PVT |
Dinesh College of Education | Garhwa | PVT |
Manrakhan Mahto B.Ed. College | Ranchi | PVT |
Lala Pritam B.Ed College | Chatra | PVT |
Kumaresh International B.Ed. College | Palamu | PVT |
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Teachers’ Training College | Hazaribagh | PVT |
Dhanbad Teachers’ Training College | Dhanbad | PVT |
Sri Ramakrishna Sarada Ashrama Teacher’s Training College |
Hazaribagh | PVT |
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan College of Education | Bokaro | PVT |
Ravi Mahato Smarak Teachers Training College | Dhanbad | PVT |
B.B.M. B.Ed. College | Bokaro | PVT |
Elite Public B.Ed. College | Palamu | PVT |
Chanakya Teachers Training College | Deoghar | PVT |
Maharshi Paramhansh College of Education | Hazaribagh | PVT |
Jyoti Prakash Mahila B.Ed. College | Palamu | PVT |
Maa Vindyavashini College of Education | Hazaribagh | PVT |
ARS B.Ed. College | Bokaro | PVT |
Uday Memorial B.Ed. College | Ranchi | PVT |
Fatma Teacher’s Training College | Ranchi | PVT |
Aviram College of Education | Lohardaga | PVT |
Daulat Mahato Memorial Teachers Training College | Hazaribagh | PVT |
Patel B.Ed. College | Ranchi | PVT |
Mother Ziramani Teachers Training College | Ranchi | PVT |
Binod Bihari Mahato Memorial Teachers Training College |
Dhanbad | PVT |
Jaspuria B.Ed. College | Ranchi | PVT |
Swami Sahajanand Saraswati B.Ed. College | Bokaro | PVT |
S B Pandey Sanatan Teachers Training College | Palamu | PVT |
Cambridge Institute of Teachers Education | Ranchi | PVT |
Chandra Prakash Choudhary B.Ed. College | Hazaribagh | PVT |
Jamini Kant B.Ed. College | East Singhbhum | PVT |
Rahat College of Education | Deoghar | PVT |
N.N. Ghosh Sanatan Teachers Training College | Ranchi | PVT |
Parjanya B.Ed. College | Dhanbad | PVT |
Sidhnath B.Ed. College | Palamu | PVT |
Aditya Prakash Jalan Teachers Training College | Ranchi | PVT |
Saswat Institute of Teacher’s Education | Ranchi | PVT |
KN Bakshi College of Education | Giridih | PVT |
R K Vyawasaik Shikchhan Sansthan | Garhwa | PVT |
Ashu Kisku Memorial and Rabi Kisku Teachers Training Institute |
Pashchim Singhbhum | PVT |
Damodar Valley Teachers Training College | Dhanbad | PVT |
Scholar B.Ed. College | Giridih | PVT |
Jharkhand Teachers’ Training College | Koderma | PVT |
Ramshobha College of Education | Hazaribagh | PVT |
R S Teachers Training College | Dhanbad | PVT |
Ramesh Prasad Yadav Teachers Training College | Koderma | PVT |
Bhavnath Chaudhary College of Education | Bokaro | PVT |
Swami Vivekanand Teacher Training B.Ed. College | Bokaro | PVT |
Kumar B.Ed. College | Dhanbad | PVT |
Morijawala B.Ed. College | Deoghar | PVT |
Pt Jagnarayan Tripathi B.Ed. College | Palamu | PVT |
Swami Vivekanand College of Education | Purbi Singhbhum | PVT |
Gopi Nath Singh B.Ed. College | Garhwa | PVT |
Madhusthali Institute of Teacher Training | Deoghar | PVT |
Institute of Education | Seraikela-Kharswan | PVT |
Swami Dharmabandhu College of Education | Hazaribagh | PVT |
Central University of Jharkhand | Ranchi | PVT |
N P Teachers Training College | Bokaro | PVT |
Hindi Vidyapitha B.Ed. College | Deoghar | PVT |
GREET Teacher Training College | Giridh | PVT |
Madhusudan Mahto Teacher Training College | Paschimi Singhbhum | PVT |
Kunwar Pirthi Nath Singh B.Ed. College | Palamu | PVT |
Shamshul Haque Memorial Teacher Training College | Dhanbad | PVT |
Kartik Oraon College | Gumla | Constituent College of Ranchi University |
Sahibganj College, Sahibganj | Sahibganj | Constituent unit of Sido Kanhu Murmu University |
K.K.M. College, Pakur | Pakur | Constituent unit of Sido Kanhu Murmu University |
Santhal Pargana College, Dumka | Dumka | Constituent unit of Sido Kanhu Murmu University |
Godda College | Godda | Constituent unit of Sido Kanhu Murmu University |
Ranchi College, Ranchi, Morabadi | Ranchi | Constituent College of Ranchi University |
Baharagora College, Baharagora | East Singhbhum | Constituent College of Ranchi University |
The Graduate School, College for Women, Jamshedpur |
Jamshedpur | Constituent College of Ranchi University |
Karim City College, Jamshedpur | Jamshedpur | PVT |
A.S. College, Deogha | Deoghar | Constituent unit of Sido Kanhu Murmu University |
Mahila College | West Singhbhum | Constituent College of Ranchi University |
Ranchi Women’s College | Ranchi | Constituent College of Ranchi University |
St. Columbas College | Hazaribag | Constituent College of Vinoba Bhave University |
Bokaro Steel City College | Bokaro | Constituent unit of Vinoba Bhave University |
Jagannath Jain College | Koderma | Constituent College of Vinoba Bhave University |
R.S.P. College | Dhanbad | Maintained and managed by Vinoba Bhave University |
S.S.L.N.T. Mahila Mahavidyalaya | Dhanbad | Constituent unit of Vinoba Bhave University |
Sanghamitra Teacher Training College | Ranchi | PVT |
GLA College | Palamu | Constituent Unit (Self-Financed) |
Sai Nath University | Ranchi | Private University |
Sri Ram Teachers Training College | Ranchi | PVT |
Baijnath Prasad Snehi College of Education | Koderma | PVT |
Jamini Kalyani Mahato College of Management Science and Commerce |
Purbi Champaran | PVT |
Srinath College of Education | Paschimi Singhbhum | PVT |
Doranda College, Ranchi | Ranchi | Constituent Unit |
Tokipur B.Ed College | Dumka | PVT |
Government Teachers Training College | Deoghar | GOVT |
Max Institute of Teachers Training | Hazaribagh | PVT |
Pakur B.Ed. College Pakur | Pakur | PVT |
Govt. Women Teacher Training College Bariyatu Ranchi |
Ranchi | GOVT |
Shivam College of Education | Deoghar | PVT |